Erica Jennings - Leading Me Home

Erica Jennings dalyvaus 2016 metų nacionalinėje atrankoje ir dar kartą sieks užlipti ant didžiosios Eurovizijos scenos. Tiesa, pirmąjį kartą 2001 metais ji konkurse dalyvavo kartu su grupe Skamp, o šįkart sėkmę bandys dalyvaudama, tik kaip solistė.
Taip pat reikėtų pastebėti, jog dainos žodžius ir muziką sukūrė pati atlikėja Erica Jennings. Jei dar negirdėjote šios dainos, tuomet kviečiame paklausyti ir įvertinti.
Erica Jennings - Leading Me Home
Erica Jennings - Leading Me Home dainos žodžiai
Through the coldest night,
and the wildest storm,
Through the darkest times,
You're leading me home.
Floating out against the tide,
The taste of fear is rising,
I'm learning as I go,
I'm not afraid of failing.
Tricky chances come what may,
Endless horizons,
With your love, I am sure, I can risk it all.
Through the coldest night,
and the wildest storm,
Through the darkest times,
You're leading me home.
Through your eyes I see so much,
so differently,
And there belies a love of such
Whether I should rise or fall,
Your love remains so constantly,
Through it all.
Through the coldest night,
And the wildest storm,
Through the darkest times,
You're leading me home.
When faith is lost and hope has faded
into silent tears,
You will raise me up with strength to
conquer all my fears.
Through the coldest night,
And the wildest storm,
Through the darkest times,
You're leading me home.
You're leading me home.
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