Jurijus - Run With The Lions

Jurijus - 2019 metų Nacionalinės atrankos nugalėtojas. Atrankoje jis dalyvavo su daina "Run With The Lions", kurios autorinės teisės priklauso net trims kūrėjams - Pelė Loriano (Šveicarija), Ericas Lumiere (JAV) ir Ashley Hicklinas (Didžioji Britanija).
Jurijus Veklenko jau ne pirmą kartą dalyvavo Eurovizijos nacionalinėje atrankoje ir šįkart bandymas buvo sėkmingas. Siūlome pažiūrėti jo pasirodymą ir įvertinti dainą. Lauksime jūsų komentarų ir atsiliepimų!
Jurijus - Run With The Lions
Dainos žodžiai
If you wanna see, just open your eyes
If you wanna breathe, let’s go outside in the open
Out of the open
There’s no need to stay locked up inside
This kingdom is yours and this kingdom is mine
Let me show you
Just let me show you
There’s no need to be afraid
You don’t got to hide away
Cause we got a love that can’t be caged
We got love a that can’t be caged
C’mon, c’mon let your feelings out
C’mon, c’mon get your freedom now, run wild
Run with the lions
C’mon, c’mon let your feelings out
C’mon, c’mon get your freedom now, run wild
You run with the lions
If you wanna voice, just open your mouth
Don’t worry about words, we’ll figure it out
Just try it
Just try it
There’s no need to be afraid
You don’t got to hide away
Cause we got love that can’t be caged
We got love that can’t be caged
C’mon, c’mon let your feelings out
C’mon, c’mon get your freedom now, run wild
Run with the lions
C’mon, c’mon let your feelings out
C’mon, c’mon get your freedom now, run wild
You run with the lions
Cause we got a love that can’t be caged
So we got a love that can’t be caged
Run with the lions
Run with the lions
C’mon, c’mon let your feelings out
C’mon, c’mon get your freedom now, run wild
You run with the lions
Cause we got a love that can’t be caged
So we got a love that can’t be caged
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