Eurovizija 1960 nugalėtoja Jacqueline Boyer su daina Tom Pillibi
Vis dar keliaujame po Eurovizijos istoriją ir šįkart pristatome 1960 metų nugalėtoją Jacqueline Boyer. Ji atliko prancūzišką dainą pavadinimu Tom Pillibi. 1960 metų Eurovizija vyko Anglijos sostinėje - Londone. Kviečiame paklausyti Prancūzijos atlikėjos dainos.
Nugalėtojos pasirodymas Eurovizijos scenoje
Dainos žodžiai
Tom Pillibi is quite a guy
Perfectly sweet and charming
Tom Pillibi is rather shy
That’s when he’s so alarming
In all my dreams I never thought
That he will be romantic
But when it seems this girl got caught
By little Tommy’s antics
He’s quite a lover, Tom Pillibi
As I discovered when he went out with me
So with a lover, as with a book
Don’t trust the cover, or you might well be hooked
Tom Pillibi may well appear
To be a little nervy
‘Specially if you should find him there
Someone, well, sweet and curvy
Although he’s longing for a date
He’ll say he wants in trying
But here and now I’d like to state
Tom Pillibi is lying
He’s quite a lover, Tom Pillibi
As I discovered when he went out with me
So with a lover, as with a book
Don’t trust the cover, or you might well be hooked
Tom Pillibi has big blue eyes
And when you see him smiling
That’s when you start to realise
His smile is quite beguiling
Now that I’ve told you all I know
You’ll never have to worry
For with a rather clever boy
Better be safe than sorry
He’s quite a lover, Tom Pillibi
As I discovered when he went out with me
So with a lover, as with a book
Don’t trust the cover, or you might will be hooked
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