Eurovizija 2019 nugalėtojas - Nyderlandų atstovas

Eurovizija 2019 nugalėtojas - Nyderlandų atstovas Duncan Laurence, kuris konkurse atliko anglišką dainą pavadinimu "Arcade". Per visą Eurovizijos istoriją Nyderlandai penktą kartą tapo konkurso nugalėtojais.
Olandas finale surinko 498 balus. Nugalėtojas 26 balais aplenkė Italijos (472 balai, 2 vieta) ir net 128 balais Rusijos atstovą (370 balų, 3 vieta).
Pergalingas pasirodymas Eurovizijos scenoje žodžiai
A broken heart is all that's left
I'm still fixing all the cracks
Lost a couple of pieces when
I carried it, carried it, carried it home
I'm afraid of all I am
My mind feels like a foreign land
Silence ringing inside my head
Please, carry me, carry me, carry me home
I spent all of the love I've saved
We were always a losing game
Small-town boy in a big arcade
I got addicted to a losing game
Ooh, ooh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game
How many pennies in the slot
Giving us up, didn't take a lot
I saw the end before it begun
Still I carried, I carried, I carried on
Ooh, ooh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game
Ooh, ooh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game
I don't need your games, game over
Get me off this roller-coaster
Ooh, ooh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game
Ooh, ooh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game
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