Norvegijos daina 2013: Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love

2013 metų Eurovizijos dainų konkurse Norvegijai atstovaus Margaret Berger su daina "I Feed You My Love".
Pasirodymas Eurovizijos scenoje
Dainos žodžiai
A cocoon in a silent tree
Through the dark night you listen to me
When I whisper broken words in your ear
And you push, you push me hard to the surface
I’m blinded at heart, but you wake me
You wake me up from the snow where I was born
Now I can see
The whole world is mine
I can touch and feel
I feed you my love
You put a knife against my back
And you dare me to face the attack
You say for cowards there’s no reward
Feel the heat
Take my hand, I trust your word
Bring the fire, I don’t care if it hurts
I have the future on my tongue
Give me a kiss
Now I can see
The whole world is mine
I can touch and feel
So I feed you my love
You put a knife against my back
And you dare me to face the attack
You say for cowards there’s no reward
I have the future on my tongue
Now I can see, oh whoa…
The whole world is mine
I can touch and feel, mmh yeah…
So I feed you my love
Feed you my love
So I feed you my love
Komentarai (16)
Ocen žaļ čto ne polučila pervoje mesto(
....o stai Jums ir nugaletoja...gali nelaimeti tik vien del to kad Eurovizija siemet skandinavijoje....Margaret o Lietuva nebus paskutine...
o man neisimene visai...
si daina :) robotas nors esu moteris brbrbrrrrrr nesamone.....siurpuliuku nulis.atleiskit:(
labai grazi daina
uz vokal +2, uz daina +8,
As manau norvegai siemet laimes, nes tikrai verta daina pasiklausius kitu saliu atstovu, zinoma tai mano nuomone, tik gaila kad negaliu balsuoti uz sia daina nes esu Norvegijoje, todel balsuosiu uz lietuvi :)
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