Nyderlandų daina 2013: Anouk - Birds

2013 metų Eurovizijos dainų konkurse Nyderlandams atstovaus Anouk su daina "Birds".
Pasirodymas Eurovizijos scenoje
Dainos žodžiai
Isolated from the outside
Clouds have taken all the light
I have no control
It seems my thoughts wander off
Of the time when I tried to
Live life without you
Birds falling down the rooftops
Out of the sky like raindrops
No air, no pride
If being myself is what I do wrong
Then I would rather not be right
Hope's turned into fear
With my one wing I can't fly
With sunrise embrace my
Dreams tight and that's why
Birds falling down the rooftops
Out of the sky like raindrops
No air, no pride
To a place without fear, with no moonlight
All I need are trees and flowers and some sunlight
When memories are being made and where the old one dies
Where love ain't lost
Birds falling down the rooftops
Out of the sky like raindrops
Birds falling down the rooftops
Out of the sky like raindrops
No air, no pride
That's why
Birds don't fly
Komentarai (6)
Grazi daina, net norisi skristi kaip pauksciui ;)
daina kelia aukstyn...Man norisi skraidyti,bet balsuot reik uz kaimynus:)
Super daina. Iš tikrųjų, tai daina, kurios norisi klausyti dar kartą. Aš balsuosiu už ją.
Bet labai jau savotiskai. Bet uzburia. Is tu, kur norisi paklausyti dar karta. Gera daina. Tik turbut ne masiniam skoniui.